Millions of people watch Oprah every day. I watch her quite often and have enjoyed many of her shows. I've always known she has a spirituality about her, but wasn't quite sure of her religious beliefs. She lives with her boyfriend and doesn't want to get married to him, so I have felt she's not a believing Christian. But I got an email today that had a video of Oprah talking about how Jesus isn't the only way to heaven. That disturbed me a little. The video goes on and talks about her book club. Right now she is reading "A New Earth" by Eckhart Tolle. I have watched the ads about it and I have even thought about checking it out at the library. But I hadn't really looked in to what the book was about until now. It's a little disturbing. Check out this utube video to see some of the things Oprah has said.
There is a book out to counteract Oprah and "A New Earth". The author, Carrington Steele says, "So, this is just a normal, everyday suggestion for Oprah's book club, huh? Somewhere along the way, we went from an endorsement of cashmere sweaters and fuzzy pajamas to Oprah instructing us on our very purpose in life, based on the teachings of one, Eckhart Tolle. Who is this enlightened being, that was actually given the answers to the world's every need and problem, and has passed it on to us to absorb in 309 pages? He tells us that at 29, at the point of suicide, he had a profound transformation and through the years, became a spiritual teacher. Now, according to Oprah, this gives him the credentials to tell us to suspend thought processes and to acknowledge our painbody." In A New Earth, Tolle explains the necessity to transform, "A significant portion of the earth's population will soon recognize, if they haven't already done so, that humanity is now faced with a stark choice: Evolve or die." Ms. Steele says, "How's that for a harmless book club study?"
The book "Don't Drink The Kool-Aid", just released in March 2008 studies the "Oprah Movement" in-depth. A compilation and critique of numerous quotes from newspapers, magazines, TV and internet, illustrate a web of powerful people and a powerful argument that what we see goes much deeper than the surface. This book is a thorough investigation to enlighten and disseminate the information that when pieced together form a clear pattern of influence. For detailed information, video clips, to view the author's open letter to Oprah Winfrey and to purchase Don't Drink The Kool-Aid, visit
I'm sorry if you are a huge Oprah fan. I was disappointed in a lot of this myself. But people don't look into things as much as they should these days. We hear Oprah talk and take her word as gospel. I have been guilty myself of saying to Russ, "Well, on Oprah today...." He has gotten really tired of that. And he would remind me, "just because it was on Oprah does not make it true."
Since this turned out so long I'll save my rant on Oprah and Obama for another post. People are taking her word as gospel on him too! Please do your research before you believe in something so deeply that you try to convince others of your beliefs. Don't take someone else's word for it.
But please let me know how you feel about this. Am I reading too much into it?
The River
5 months ago
Wow Michelle! Thank you for posting this information. I too, like you have often wondered about the beliefs of Oprah. This video made me furious and a little sick to my stomache. There's more ways to get to Heaven than Jesus? Are you kidding me!? What about the Bible? What about God's word?! If "God Is" as Oprah says, why not trust in his Word!? Ooh, this makes me mad! Again, like in my 'why I like this certain song' blog, I love the song "What if His People Prayed?"! "WHAT IF THE FAMILY TURNED TO JESUS, STOPPED ASKING OPRAH WHAT TO DO!"
I think you are right on!! We need to be aware w/ what is going on around us so we know how to protect ourselves (no matter who the person is, even Oprah)
Thanks for doing the research on this. I'm hoping to spend more time looking at it myself. everywhere are telling their wives, "I told you"
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