Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Becca the photographer

For as long as I can remember, Becca has been fascinated by cameras. She loves not only to have her picture taken, but she loves to take pictures. She used to take toys and pretend they were a camera and take pictures of all of us. After each "picture" she took, she would say, "That was a good one!" It cracked us up. So for her birthday last year, we bought her a kids digital camera. She was so excited. But here we are not even 4 months later and it is broken. I think I just bought too cheap of one.

So Becca still has this need to take pictures, so whenever she has the opportunity, she will grab my camera and take pictures. Yes, she knows how to turn it on and how to take the picture. Focusing and aiming are not talents of hers quite yet though.

I just had to share the most recent pictures she took. I was looking through the camera to download a certain picture and came across these. I didn't even know she had gotten a hold of the camera, so I laughed out loud when I saw them.

These pictures combine her love of taking pictures and having her picture taken. Too funny.


Mel said...

That is so cute. My kids love the camera too. They get their love for the camera from me. I am thinking about buying them their own camera at b-day time this yr. Becca is so cute, she has a great smile and is so much fun to watch and listen to.