Good news and bad.
The good:I don't have Gestational Diabetes. Yeah!
The bad: The baby's kidney's are retaining fluid.
So starting next Thursday, and for the next 7 Thursdays, I have to have a non-stress test. Basically, this is a 30 minute long ultrasound. They will be looking at the heart rate, lungs and kidneys to make sure they are all functioning properly. If not, then I'll have more invasive tests to be sure the baby is not in any stress. And if it is, they'll be taking it early. I'm only 31 weeks, so I just pray I get to at least 36.
But that is all worst-case scenario.
My amniotic fluid level is a 23. My Dr. says she doesn't really worry until it hits 24. So I'm right on the edge of the worry-fence.
The fluid in the baby's kidneys is at the lower end of the spectrum. Nothing serious, just something to watch. That's what these weekly ultrasounds will be doing.
We're still going to try really hard to not find out the sex of the baby, but having a weekly ultrasound will sure make it hard.
Please just pray that everything works itself out. This has been one interesting pregnancy from the beginning. I think it's God's way of saying- "You need to talk to me more, so I'm going to give us something to talk about."
It's also a good way for God to show me that I don't have control. He is in control of it all. I felt like if I had gestational diabetes, then I could control it. There is something I could do to fix it- by eating well and exercising. But with this, there is nothing I can do but to pray.
I'm sure everything will be fine in the end. This baby is God's creation and He doesn't make mistakes. I believe things happen to teach us things. I've learned a lot in the last year. Lessons I don't want to have again, but am grateful for them anyway.
The River
5 months ago
Michelle, I will be praying for your baby. And for you to make it to 36 weeks.
It sounds like your doctor is really on top of things. And babies are resilient.
But still...when it's your baby you're gonna worry. Try to stay off the google searches!
Love you. Oh, and thanks for the bday wish. I actually like getting older, too!
We will be committed to prayer for you, the baby, and your family!
Michelle, I am praying for you and your little miracle. Please call if you need a neighbor.
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