Thursday, June 12, 2008

another update

I went to the doctor today to have my first biophysical done on the baby. It wasn't too bad. It was about 15 minutes long. The ultrasound tech checked the heart rate (152), watched it breathing and watched for movements to be sure it wasn't under any type of stress. I didn't know babies would "breathe" in utero. But their bodies go through the breathing motions. They have to practice for when they are born.

This baby was sleeping today. She kept shaking my stomach so we could see movements. Everything looked good. It's kidney's were holding very little fluid. She said it was nothing to worry about at all, but we would continue to look every week.

My amniotic fluid level is up to 26. The ultrasound tech asked me if I was diabetic and I told her I had passed the 3 hr glucose test. She just went, "huh". She said that is the most common reason women have high amniotic fluid. But we don't know why I do. It's just weird if you ask me. But we'll keep checking on it every week. The biggest problem with it is that you go in to preterm labor. Your uterus can only stretch so much and when you have a bunch of extra fluid in there, it kind of gives the signal of "ok, we're ready to have a baby", when in reality, you might only be 35 or 36 weeks pregnant. So we are just going to keep an eye on it.

It was fun getting to see the baby. Janet went with me. (thanks Janet) She thought it was pretty cool too. At one point, the ultrasound tech turned the machine to the 4d view. It was so neat! I had never seen an actual 4d ultrasound. You could see it's chubby cheeks and chin and it's little nose and lips. It was really neat to see.

Anyway, here's the best picture of the 5 that she gave me. By the end of all of this, I'm going to have to have a scrapbook just for all of the ultrasound pictures. I've had it done at 7 weeks, 12, 20, 30, 32 and probably 6 more!


Mel said...

I love ultrasound pictures. I have been praying for you and will continue to do so. Let me know if I can help out w/ anything.

Jessi said...

AWWW! I think it's a boy. Glad to hear everying is going okay. I had Payten at 37 weeks and she was fine.

Anonymous said...

Too cute! I think the Baby resembles Becca:) So you know he/she is going to be adorable!
~Erin J