We all hate being on a diet, right? Why does it seem like most of my adult life, I have been "watching what I eat"? The answer to that is because if I don't, I will turn into a blimp.
So in order to help me, I am going to start posting my weight.
Yes, you just read that right. A woman is actually going to tell people how much she weighs. You see, I just don't care. I have friends that are smaller than me, I have friends that are bigger than me. I don't care. They are still my friends, no matter how big (or small) their butt is.
Russ and I are counting points. OK, so I actually haven't "counted", but I'm watching what I eat. See, there's that darn sentence again. Mel encouraged me last night, so I am now off sugar. I am chewing a piece of sugar free gum right now, and it is the sweetest thing I've had all day. OK, so I've only had oatmeal and macaroni and cheese so far. I'm going to start eating more fruit and yogurt. Sounds like a plan, right? Well, I'm going to let you know when I eat something bad. I am going to be truthful. I will confess when I eat too much and when I "cheat". This blog will be my place to go for confession. I'm not Catholic, but it sounds like a great way to get stuff off your chest!
So here goes....
I weighed at the Y this morning (after running 1.5 miles!) I weigh 167 pounds. I can hear your gasps by the way. This is the largest I've been when not pregnant. (I was 172 when I was 9 mo pregnant with Maddie) I'm sad about this number, but motivated. I know I can lose weight, I did it last year at this time. I lost 20 pounds last fall. Just before Christmas, I weighed exactly 140. I was so excited because my ultimate goal was 135, and I was almost there. Then the holidays happened, a cruise, I threw my back out and got pregnant. So running, or even walking was hard for me. After I was 10 weeks along, I started feeling better, so started working out again. Then 2 weeks later, started bleeding. So I stopped all activity. Then one week later, lost the baby. So I have been a little depressed. I am not the type that goes out and runs my aggression out. I eat. I eat candy bars, brownies, cookies, pizza, and anything fried. So just about the time I was starting to feel better from all of this, and my body was starting to go back to it's pre-pregnancy size (I weighed 152 on May 2- the day I found out I was pregnant), my friend, Melinda got sick. Three weeks later, she died. When you have someone you care about pass away, you kind of forget about trying to stick to a diet and exercise. I once again, just wanted to eat to suppress my sadness.
I did start going back to the Y when school started. I have only been running so far. I haven't been back to my aerobics classes or back to the weight room. I'll get there, I know I will. Right now, I just want to run. I actually ran a mile and a half today- nonstop! I think of Melinda when I run. If she could bravely get through all of the pain she went through, then I can get through a little side cramp, right? My goal is to be running 3 miles at a time. That's how far it is for the Race for a Cure. I did it last year, and I so badly want to do it again this year. So I am trying.
I'll let you know how it all goes.
The River
4 months ago
I'm so proud of you, Michelle! You are a brave girl. Are you running on a treadmill? What speed do you do? I'm trying to get back into running again, so I'm curious what other people are doing. I really, really want to be able to run the 5K in October. Thanks for sharing with all of us!
WOW - You are fat!!! Oh, I mean Phat!!! hheheheheee - That was a great blog, loved it. I am glad you are going to be counting pts. b/c I am gonna be counting them too in a wk. Taking the first step is always the hardest, trust me. I will be right there w/ ya on the journey..... And by the way I weigh 70 lbs. more than you. So now you can gasp!! hehehee.
I actually run on the track at the Y. 12 laps is a mile. I run one lap every 50-55 seconds. So that's about a 10-11 minute mile. When I did the treadmill last year, I walked at 3.8-4.0 mph and ran around 6.0-6.4 mph. Good luck Pam! We can do it! I'm right there struggling with you. Before last year's race, I was up to running 2-2.5 miles at a time. I had only gone 3 miles ONE time before I ran it at the Race. So I know it can be done!!
Mel- You're awesome!
I guess this means that Barbie and I won't have the pleasure of seeing you and Russ on Saturdays at the Sam's Club for our weekly food sampling? Check out a book called "Eating for Life", it has some really good recipes for healthy meals.
Good Luck with your Weight Loss and Exercise Goals!
That's our weekly family outing- of course we'll still be there. I just might have to give my samples to the girls though! :(
It seems like everyone is getting back on the program! My friends and I are having a contest to see who can lose the most percentage of their body weight by Jan 1. I'm convinced I can win.
Good luck, I know you can do it!
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