Thursday, July 10, 2008

I've been bumped!

So my doctor looked at my chart today and said, "the 28th? I'm starting my vacation then! We've got to move you to the week before." Not a problem here, because I told her I wasn't waiting for her to get back. So now it's the 25th! Woo Hoo! Three less days of being so stinkin' huge! It will be almost 2 weeks before my due date, so I just pray it's lungs are ready. They should be, but you just never know.

Here's two new pictures. It's face is getting so chunky. My fluid level is down to about a 23. My Dr. was very happy that it had gone down. But it's still high, so they are still going to do another ultrasound next week, just to be sure it's all o.k. But everything looks good to go. I just have a bunch of stuff to do around the house now! Only 2 weeks from tomorrow! Yikes!

It has been driving the ultrasound girl crazy that we don't know what we are having, so she just "had" to look today. I closed my eyes and turned my head so I wouldn't accidentally look. It was hard though. A part of me wanted to just look and not tell Russ. But I've made it this far, what's two more weeks?

These pictures look like a boy to me. Everyone keeps telling me that. I'm going to feel really bad if it does end up being a girl. We just won't tell her that everyone thought she looked like a boy before she was born. ;)


not so zen momma said...

I had a hard time not knowing towards the end. Yay! Only two more weeks... and don't worry, I was convinced Van was a girl. I even started calling my bump our girl name...

Pam said...

Woo hoo! I'm so excited for you (and I really want to know if it's a boy or girl)! Also, glad to hear the fluid level is down. Won't be long now...

Mel said...

Cute - boy or girl just so cute, love the picutes. At least you are getting some great pic.'s since you have to go in every wk. for an ultrasound. Two wks., that will pass quick, better get those "lists" done hehehee