Bible Camp is very important to Russ and I. Our camp in Iowa is a very special place. That's where we met. Russ has talked about taking our girls there since they were babies. He can't wait until they are old enough to go with him.
Growing up Church of Christ in Iowa was not easy. There aren't many around. In fact, Russ counted one time and there are more Churches of Christ in the OKC area than in the entire state of Iowa. Both of our families had to drive 30 miles to go to the nearest C of C. And they are all small. A large C of C in Iowa is 100 people. My church had about 25. Five of those were kids (me and my two brothers being 3 of the five). So I couldn't wait for church camp every summer. Just to be with other kids who believed the same thing I did was awesome.
I started going to camp when I was in 4th grade. I didn't miss a single summer. Russ and I met there the summer after I graduated HS, and we were engaged at camp two years later. I love Bible camp.
So two weeks ago, Maddie had an opportunity to go to a day camp just a few miles from here. We found out about it the Thursday before (it started on Monday and went through Wednesday). But luckily, we had time to register her. So our Life Group sent all of our kids (ages 5-9) to it. Erin was awesome and said she would be their sponsor so they could go. Thank you Erin!! The kids loved it! They learned so much, made new friends from other Churches of Christ and can't wait to go back next year.
I realize there isn't a lot out there for kids ages 5-9, that's why we were all so excited about this. But I have to admit that I was a little upset that we didn't know about it sooner. It was not our church that sponsored it, but a C of C from a nearby town. I would have killed for something like this when I was a kid. To know there are other kids out there that believe like you do is so important.
We are very blessed to be part of such an awesome church. My girls have a huge youth group and I love that. But I want them to know kids from other churches of Christ too. So I guess my question is, why don't we do more with the churches here in town? Why can't we sponsor a camp for the kids?
When I told other people at church about Maddie going to camp, they were a little upset, because they would have sent their kids if they had known about it. So Erin is going to be sure that it gets in the bulletin next summer so everyone does know about it. I really appreciate Erin taking the lead on this one. I just know there will be so many from our church who will send their kids to this wonderful camp. And I thank the other church for putting it on. I hope we all can help out and make it bigger and better next year.
5 kids from our LG plus 3 others. Maddie and Mason
Becca, Maddie and Jaylee Maddie made ice cream at camp.
They even brought out a bunch of animals for the kids to see and touch. This is a HUGE snake!
Great Blog !!! I know all our kids had a blast, D still talks about it!!
Like VBS, I LOVED church camp and starting going when I was in 4th grade too! We would be thrilled to do this with you all next year.
Looks like everyone had a great time.
I'm so glad the kids had such a great time!! I had a terrific time with them! We'll do it up right next year. James and I have a goal for day camp next year: 30 kids from our church ALONE!! We can definitely get there. Thanks for sharing Maddie with me for a few days.
That takes me back. I loved CAMP! I used to go every year and even taught at day camp for the little kids when I was in HS and teen week in college. MEMORIES!!!
Way to get them started early!!!
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