Monday, May 26, 2008

My turn

Everyone else has done the 100 list, so here's my feeble attempt. I'll start out by saying, I am boring. Especially compared to Pam. This list is dull and those of you who know me well, all ready know this stuff. So I apologize to you in advance for the boring-ness of this post. Here goes:

1. I was born in Illinois
2. I am a typical oldest child
3. I have 2 younger brothers
4. Josh is 29
5. Eric is 27
6. They are both single (see picture below)

7. I wish they were married
8. Then I'd have sister-in-laws closer to my age (I still love you Donna, June, Cathy and Janet!)
9. I grew up in Iowa
10. My mom is a medical transcriptionist
11. My dad is a signal maintainer for the Union Pacific Railroad
12. They own a Bed and Breakfast in southern Iowa. Click here: Foxwood Bed and Breakfast
13. I went to the same school K-10th grade
14. The town (Russell) only had 500 people
15. If I would have stayed, I would have graduated with 18 people
16. My dad got transferred and we had to move before my Jr. Year of HS
17. I was sad at first, but so glad later. I loved my new school and friends
18. We moved to Colo- a town of 1,000 people
19. I graduated with 53. (It was a consolidated school- 3 little towns in one HS)
20. I took dance lessons (ballet, tap and jazz) for 6 years
21. I had to quit because sports became a bigger part of my life
22. I played basketball through my Jr. Year in HS (then they changed from half court bball to 5 on 5- Iowa was one of the last places to change over)

23. I played varsity volleyball through my Sr. Year

24. I ran track (hurdles) through my sophomore year
25. I had to quit because I had blown out my knee playing basketball and had to wear a brace
26. I was on the drill (dance) team my Jr. Year
27. I was in swing choir my Sr. Year

28. I was in many plays and musicals
29. I was on the student counsel my Sr. Year
30. I was even a football cheerleader one year (Mel-this was only so I could go to the away games)

31. I played the clarinet up through my freshman year of HS.
32. I worked as a waitress my Jr and Sr years
33. I had the coolest prom dress ever my Sr. Year
A sequined American flag!
34. My mom made it
35. I loved HS and wish I could do it over again
36. I went to the University of Iowa my freshman year
37. My roommate was my best friend, Carrie from HS.

38. I met Russ 2 weeks before starting at the U of I
39. We met at Bible Camp in Iowa

40. I got quite the education at Iowa
41. Most of it was not in a classroom
42. I transferred to Harding my sophomore year
43. Russ convinced me we needed to be in the same state if we were going to date
44. So site-unseen, I transferred to OC in Jan. of my sophomore year
45. We got engaged that August

46. We were married 4 mo. later in December

47. My mom made my wedding dress, 5 bridesmaid's dresses and a flower girl dress in just 4 mo.

48. My mom is very talented
49. I was just 21 when we got married
50. Russ was 26.
51. We've now been married 11 1/2 years
52. Russ was in grad. school at OU
53. I was a Jr. at OC
54. I got my degree in Early Childhood Education
Look what I found Jenny!

55. My first teaching job was a morning Kindergarten teacher
56. After one semester of that, I was moved to First grade
57. I loved teaching 1st grade
58. I taught for 4 years
59. Then I had Maddie
60. We decided I should stay at home with her
61. It was really hard at first
62. Now I can't imagine working
63. I always hoped I would have a daughter (since I didn't get that sister I wanted)
64. I NEVER thought I would have 2 daughters
65. Maddie is just like me
66. We are both extremely stubborn
67. Just ask Russ
68. I started working in the church benevolence office when Maddie was about 6 mo. old
69. I enjoyed having something to do and being around grown-ups again
70. I became a Creative Memories Consultant 5 years ago
71. I love scrapbooking
72. I think it's really important for a kid to see "their story"
73. I love to take pictures
74. I secretly wish I was a professional photographer
75. But I'll go back to teaching someday
76. I would like to teach 2nd grade
77. I love to travel
78. I have been to about 35 of US states, and 11 foreign countries
The Colosseum in Rome
Swimming with Sting Rays in Grand Cayman

Traversing through the jungle in Jamaica
79. I do NOT have a green thumb
80. I don't enjoy yard work
81. Neither does Russ
82. That's not a good thing for our yard and house
83. We built our house 9 years ago (May '99)

84. Less than a week after moving in, while building a dog run, Russ hit me in the head with a sledge hammer
85. My brother, Josh was here and he thought I was going to die
86. The sledge hammer head actually broke off of the handle
87. I had to have 4 staples in the back of my head
88. This was all the day before we were to drive to Ohio for my cousin's wedding
89. I am ready to build a new house
90. I look at house plans all of the time
91. It used to drive Russ crazy
92. He's gotten used to it now
93. The older I get, the more comfortable I become in who I am
94. I have a great family and I married in to a great family who has become my own
95. Russ is the youngest of 5
Russ (#5), Donna (#2), Russ' Mom-Inez, Russ' Dad- Ray, June (#3), John (#4) and Rex (#1)

96. His closest sibling (John) is 18 years older than him
97. All of his siblings and spouses are older than my mom (that's why I said #8)
98. I have life long friends
99. I love my church of over 600 people (I grew up in a church of less than 20)
100. I am extremely blessed

I hope you weren't too bored. I threw in pictures to break up the boredom of it all! :)


Pam said...

Great list, Michelle! I loved the pictures (80's hair and all!). I actually learned a lot about you. Go figure.

I want to see what house plans you like... I love to look at house plans, too. Plus, I know a great builder! :)

BTW, could you look any skinnier in those pictures???

Michelle said...

80's? Jeez, I'm not that old! ;)
Class of '94 just so you know.

I'll have to show you my book of plans. It's thick. I go through and find ones I like, then I change little things like walls and closets.

And thanks for the skinny comment! But I like fit- or in shape. (read previous blog post) :)

Jessi said...

I loved that! Wow, you are quite the All American Girl! :) And I think you're just as exciting as Pam, in a home town sort of way. :)

Mel said...

Loved it !!! And you looked so "fit" in those pictures, you are a beautiful person, inside and out.

Jenny said...

I enjoyed the list and didn't find it "boring" at all! I loved seeing the pic of us at graduation! I can't believe the time that has went by. Thanks for putting a list together and includiing pictures!