For those of you that know our Becca, you know how much personality she has. She is a crack-up. Here are two funny stories for you...
When we were trying to convince Maddie to pull her tooth out, we told her as soon as she pulled it, we would go to Braums and get her a malt. She kept crying and wouldn't do it. Becca just looked at Russ and very calmly said, "I want a malt, I'll pull my tooth out for a malt Daddy." And she proceeded to try to pull out a tooth.
Just now, she came to me with three pennies.
"Mommy, can I buy something with these three pennies?"
"No honey, that's not enough to buy anything. But if you help me clean your room and put away laundry I'll give you some more pennies so you can buy something."
Dramatic pause....
Becca's response: "How about I pay you $5 to clean my room instead?"
(Sounds good to me. Show me the money!)
What a little nut.
The River
5 months ago
She is a crack up and I love to hear what will come out of her mouth next:)
I tagged you so check out my blog!
HAHA! How adorable! I hope my children are as witty as yours!
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