Tuesday, February 19, 2008


I haven't blogged in a week, because I have been at a total loss of what to say. For my family and friends in Iowa that don't know, I have another friend who just found out she has breast cancer.

Jenny found out a little over 2 weeks ago that she has Stage IV breast cancer and it has spread to her liver. They are treating her liver first before they can do anything about the breast cancer. Her brain and bone scans came back clear which is a huge relief, but she has such a battle ahead of her.
I met Jenny at church, but didn't get to know her until I joined the Y. Jenny L. had encouraged me to join the Y, which I was actually very excited about. And once I started going, I loved it. Jenny R. introduced me to step class. She was great at it! We had so much fun! But the class I had the most fun in with Jenny was the spinning class. Jenny L. had been taking it and thought it was a great workout. She convinced Jenny and I to go with her one lovely Tuesday morning. Well, if you've ever taken a spinning (or cycling) class, you know that those seats are not made for people with larger behinds. They are teeny tiny little seats that are so extremely uncomfortable! Jenny R. and I were mad at Jenny L. for at least a week after that dumb class. I seriously couldn't walk right. My tushy hurt soooo bad! I didn't know you could get bruises there! But we did enjoy the class and we both went out and bought big silicone bicycle seats for the next time!
Jenny is one tough lady. She is a fighter. She has so much to fight for. Her husband, Jeff, and her two boys, Gunner and Brandon. Read her blog to find out more about how wonderful of a person she is. (It is the one that says Jenny-Rev it up) And please pray for her and her family. Jenny moved to Florida over a year ago, so she is not here for us to hug. She knows she has a ton of love from us in Oklahoma, and so many prayers are going up on her behalf. Please stop what you are doing and say a prayer for her right now.
Thank you.


Jenny said...

Ha! Ha! I had forgotten that story about the spinning class, that was such fun, for me at least;) Thanks for putting a smile on my face today! I think if I would go back and try that spinning class again I would be close to death!

Amy S. Grant said...

Michelle, I am so sorry to read this! Thank you for letting us know so we can be praying.

Mel said...

I will be praying for Jenny and her family.