Yesterday I went to the local Office Max. I put Rylan in the seat and buckled her in, I helped Becca get into the basket and Maddie went around to stand on the front part. We do this just about every time we go to a store. Well, we weren't allowed to at this Office Max.
I had just started to push the cart when a huge, and I mean like as tall as Russ but maybe 75 pounds heavier, Office Max man stopped us. He was very intimidating- he looked like he used to play football. Here's the conversation:
Big scary guy: "Oh no no no".
Me: "Excuse me?"
Big scary guy: "She can't ride there." meaning Maddie
Me: "Why not?"
Big scary guy: "It's too dangerous."
Me: "What?"
Big scary guy: "She could fall and hit her head and we are liable for all of that."
Me: "Are you kidding me?"
Big scary guy: "No, she needs to get off the front of the cart."
Me: "Seriously? She rides on the front of carts in EVERY store we go to."
Big scary guy: "Well, she's not going to here."
Me: (I was actually pretty mad at this point, because how ridiculous is this? Plus, Maddie had a blister on the back of her heel that was hurting) "I have never heard of anything so crazy before. She would fall like 3 inches."
Big scary guy: "Well, she needs to get down."
So I made Maddie get off. There was a bunch more that I was thinking, and wanted to tell this obviously crazy man, but I just wanted to get in and buy my label maker tape and get out.
If she did fall, she would fall down maybe 3-4 inches! And I know there are sue-happy people out there. But why let kids get in the carts at all? What if Becca stood up and fell out? What if Rylan got her buckle undone and fell out? How nuts is this? And if Maddie did fall, it would be either my fault, or hers. I'm not going to blame Office Max and their carts for my child falling 3 inches!
The River
5 months ago
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