It was great! The kids were wonderful and everything went off fairly well. No big bumps anyway.
Well, unless you count my husband. I would post pictures here of how cute everyone was in their p.j.'s, but he didn't take any. I couldn't because I was running all over the church. From the back to the front and from aisle to aisle. Oh, I would post a video here, but he didn't push the button until about 2/3's of the way through the program. He thought the green light meant record instead of a red light.
I love him dearly, I truly do. But boy, was he in the doghouse last night. I even got over the fact that the entire show was not recorded, but we don't even have Becca singing her song. She walked up to the microphone to sing. It was so darn cute. But I've got nothin'.
So if any of you have cute pictures from last night, I will be happy to pay you for a copy of them.
I should say, Russ will be happy to pay you for a copy of them.
The River
5 months ago
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