We went to Iowa for Thanksgiving. The girls had a blast and the weather was actually nice. Strange for Iowa. On the way up, we stopped in KC to see my college roommate, Jenni. She just moved into a new beautiful home and had her 3rd girl. So I like to tease her that she's copying me, since we just moved this summer and also have 3 girls. Jeni and Brecklyn:
Me and Jenni with our 6 girls!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Iowa and Christmas party
Posted by Michelle at 1:42 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 9, 2009
New playset
After months of promising we would buy the girls a swingset, we finally got one! Becca, especially, couldn't wait. She is our outdoor kid and it has been killing her that there is "nothing to do" outside. She woke up this morning and said, "I can't wait to get home from school so I can play outside on the swingset!"

The girls were having fun playing the leaves while we worked.

Posted by Michelle at 8:29 AM 1 comments
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Concert #2- AC/DC
AC/DC. What can I say? When Russ asked me if I wanted to go, I said no. After a little convincing, I decided to go with him. Boy am I glad I did. This concert was awesome! I had no idea I liked so many AC/DC songs. And no, AC/DC does not stand for after Christ, devil's child. They got their name from one of their younger sisters who looked at a sewing machine and saw ac/dc on it. They thought it fit because of the type of music they would be playing would have so much electricity and excitement in it.
We had great seats for this concert. I was just glad to have a seat this time. :)
Russ looking like a crazy rocker, me just looking crazy.
Me and my friend, Carla. We had so much fun with Terry and Carla. I'm glad we went together.

Mitzi, This mullet is for you:

This could only mean "Rock 'N Roll Train"!

Brian Johnson- lead singer.

"Back in Black"- love this song!

"Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap"

It was a little scary to watch these old dudes dance. I hope they didn't hurt themselves. Brian Johnson is 62!!!!

"Thunderstruck"- LOVE this song!!

"Hells Bells"

Terry and Carla rockin' it to "Shook Me All Night Long".

Mitzi- I took this one for you too- total '80's. Carla and I wondered if their jeans were pinch rolled. :)

"Whole Lotta Rosie"- yes she's a giant blow up doll on top of the locomotive. She tapped her foot to the beat and moved back and forth. It was a little creepy, but cool at the same time.
Posted by Michelle at 9:54 AM 1 comments
Monday, October 26, 2009
Fall Festival
Our church had a fall festival last night. The girls had so much fun. There were lots of cars in the parking lot that did "Trunk or Treat" and fun games inside for the girls to play and to get candy. Maddie loved the magic mirror because it told her she was "fancier" than Snow White. Becca loved the bounce house and Rylan, well she just wanted that scratchy skirt off and wanted to eat more candy.

As they stood next to Snow White and talking to the magic mirror (which was so awesome! Way to go Jamie and Susan!) Rylan kept sneaking candy out of Snow White's basket and putting it in her sack. It was crackin' me up.

Maddie was the difficult one. But she has been every year. That girl comes up with some crazy ideas. This year, she decided to be Fancy Nancy. It's a series of children's books that Maddie loves. Nancy wears LOTS of different Fancy clothes, so we looked at all of them before deciding. She went with the dress that was on her birthday plates from this past spring (we actually didn't end up using them because Maddie chose to take 2 friends to see the Hannah Montana movie instead). So you be the judge. Pretty close huh?

Maddie was pretty excited because she got 3rd place overall for best costume. She's placed 3 times now. She is a very creative kid. I have let her pick her costumes every year since she was 3 and she has done a great job. It will be fun to see what she comes up with next year!
Posted by Michelle at 11:46 AM 1 comments